Bishop Andrew P. Wypych, on behalf of The Catholic League for Religious Assistance to Poland and Polonia Presents the Annual Appeal
You can donate in several ways:
Contribute through your parish collection
Mail a check to The Catholic League for Religious Assistance to Poland and Polonia 2330 W 118th St, Chicago IL, 60643
Use your online banking Pay through PayPal
Praise be to Jesus Christ!
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Friends!
I send you my blessing and greeting. For over 75 years, many parishes in the United States, of which you are an inseparable part, have taken part in the annual collection for the Catholic League for Religious Assistance to Poland and Polonia, or Liga as it is often called. In this way, you support the Roman Catholic Church in Poland and the new needs adopted by the Liga in our times. A great part of the Liga’s financial commitments are scholarships for Polish priests who continue their graduate and doctoral studies in Rome. Returning to Poland with their acquired knowledge and experience, the priests use these pastoral skills to serve our brothers and sisters in their parishes. Many priests are also called by Christ to the Order of Bishop of the Church. Priests serving in mission ministry, as well as Catholic charitable institutions in Poland, benefit from the generous donations of our Polonia community.
A new initiative is the awarding of several scholarships of $5,000 each to college students of Polonia to form new leaders who can strengthen local parish communities and stimulate the visible and united action of Polonia. The New Evangelization calls for active involvement in encouraging vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and for continuous spiritual formation and training of lay leaders in our parishes. We are building an informed, united, active, committed Polonia, so that we can more effectively influence the present and form a bright future for our American Polonia. It all starts with education and formation.