Praised be Jesus Christ and Mary ever Virgin! On the day of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in my private Bishop’s Chapel, in the presence of distinguished guests, a solemn ceremony of the coronation of the Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa and the Infant Jesus took place. The crowns were funded by the Richard and Christin Guzior family. During this ceremony, several distinguished representatives were awarded with the highest distinctions for their merits for the Catholic League for Religious Assistance to Poland and Polonia and for the generosity to the scholarship of St. John Paul the Great. Congrats to the Recipients and blessings. After the Solemn Liturgy, a tasty meal awaited the honorable guests. ALEN TRIO ANSAMBL played during the liturgy and during the meal. Thank you all for your presence and accept blessings from my heart. +Andrew