The Blessed Mother called for praying the rosary all over the world, also for the intentions of the whole world. Especially for those who most need God’s protection, God’s intercession, and sometimes they simply don’t want to admit it. Because maybe they are ashamed, maybe they are closed to God’s favors, maybe they are not able to ask God to lead their lives. Do we sometimes do not notice such behavior with us, with our loved ones, with popular people, and with people who sometimes do not need God at all, their lives seem beautiful, colorful without any problems, without any complexes, they go to the point of achieve the most in life in order to be as successful as possible, yet something completely different can happen inside them. Too much interest in themselves, their own career, a life full of excitement, that’s what matters to them. Therefore, the essential and fundamental part of family life, which is love, understanding, mutual help and mutual respect, is lost. Therefore, we do not need only to criticize such people, of course, it should be read such behavior as bad, and above all, let’s try not to do this ourselves and pray for those people who got a little lost, who have lost this hierarchy of values in their lives. order so that they can see what is beautiful and do not take this false image as a model to follow and an object of desires and aspirations. And this is where the prayer of the rosary can help us, for which Mary asked to practice and pray as often as possible for the intentions of all, recommending all people and the whole world. And we know perfectly well that the rosary has great power.
How many of us, thanks to this prayer, have begged or implored a lot for ourselves and for others. This prayer gives comfort and comfort and help. From my own experience, I can say that when you pray the rosary regularly, often with a specific intention, then all matters are somehow easily resolved, sometimes you just feel lighter at heart, knowing that Mary takes care of us and intercedes for us. Therefore, let us try not to neglect this prayer and when some harder, difficult moments come, let us take it in our hand and pray through Mary’s intercession for our intentions. Especially now, in this difficult time that we are going through, times of an epidemic, where so many people died, where so many people fell ill and are still ill, of course, we recommend the victims, we recommend the sick, but this is also and perhaps a contribution to strengthen our prayer, to devote a little more time to God, to pray for our homeland, but also for the whole world for all humanity. And Mary will not leave us, we can say that she will intervene. As she did it more than once. We certainly remember how through her apparitions she asked to pray for favors for the whole world. Especially during the Fatima apparitions.
We are to be constantly aware of the truth that is joyful for each of us, that apart from our mothers who gave us life, we also have a mother in heaven, a mother who cares for our needs, and above all for our supernatural life, for our faith and love to her son Jesus Christ. The basic text of the New Testament that Mary is the Mother of all Christians are the words spoken by Jesus from the cross to his Mother and beloved disciple John. They are well known and often explained both from the pulpit and in the theological writings. Let us therefore listen to the words of one of the Mariologists who commented on this passage: Saying to the Mother: “Woman, here is your Son and to the disciple, Here is your Mother, Jesus proclaims Mary the Mother of all his followers, whose figure is the present beloved disciple. So the holy virgin is the spiritual mother of all believers, she is the mother of each of us. It is not by our invention but by the will of Jesus Christ. ” That is why Christ chose her to be our Mother. May we never be orphans here on earth either. She is the intermediary who brings our prayers to His throne. And it’s beautiful, it’s great to believe and do it. Because, like the Lord Jesus, Mary also knows what we need best. And he also knows how to direct our lives so that we achieve salvation, only on our part it is enough to open up to it – nothing more. It is difficult, of course, sometimes we do not see the point in it, it can bring hard experiences for us at times, but as a consequence we may later come to the point that it was necessary and will have salutary fruits for us. It is enough just to give some area of your life to God, and preferably the whole area.
Because if we trust God, we trust the Holy Mother, we will not be afraid of anything here on earth because we will know that they are with us and look after us, and there is no better care than that coming from them. And it can be said that we are kind of lucky as Christians having also the Mother of God as a Mother, that she left us so many prayers, so many opportunities to resort to her in our various needs, so that she would be our intermediary. Let us use this beautiful gift intended for us as often as possible, so that Mary may also see our commitment to the matters of faith, to God’s matters, to the matters of heaven. Therefore, let us take care that we are, above all, good Christians and that we remain faithful to God’s word. This problem resonates also in the Gospel, when we hear that it is sometimes from ourselves, from our behavior, that the bad things that Jesus calls unclean come out, for example, our speech, our relationship to other people, our relations with others. What we say, what we do, we decide it ourselves, it comes from within us and we are responsible for our actions, already here on earth, but also before God.
It is a great responsibility for us, so it is worth considering what deeds, words come from our interior, what our interior is, what is our heart, how our conscience is formed. Let’s even follow what happened today, what last week looked like, what our relations with others looked like, what our relationship to God looked like. Because God gave us commandments to help us, to help us achieve salvation. And it seems to me that the problem today, but also earlier, is that we want to adapt the commandments to our lives, we even want to change them so that it suits us, and here the essence is different, the Lord God gives them to us He gave, presented in a very simple way, later the Lord Jesus explained them to us during His earthly activity and we only need to accept it, open up to it and then we can be sure that nothing bad will come out of our heart. Let us take care of it, let us be open to God’s grace, which he wants to offer us in his word and in the sacraments, and let us share both our sorrows and joys with our most wonderful Mother, the Holy Mother, a Mother ready to help us constantly.
Because the action of the Lord God is sometimes incomprehensible to us, He knows perfectly well what a man needs and when he is to intervene in his life. On our part, it is enough to open ourselves to His grace, to His blessing, not ceasing to pray, not ceasing to be faithful despite various adversities that may occur. The Lord Jesus speaks to us in the Gospel, let your speech be yes, no, no. Clarity, clarity, transparency. These are the qualities that the Lord Jesus requires of us. He did the same as He was here on earth. He knew how to talk to Pharisees, he knew how to talk to Sadducees, he knew how to bring lost souls to him. So let us draw as much as possible from this unsurpassed pattern. Because he can give us salvation, that’s our assurance, but how we approach it depends only on ourselves, on our attitude, and on our commitment to faith.
Let us remain convinced, therefore, that Mary also wants us to pray the rosary frequently, especially for this modern world, which offers us newer and newer facilities for joy, reforms, changes that often do not go hand in hand with God’s plan. St. John Paul II also prayed the rosary very often, very often he had it in his hand. He even said it was his favorite prayer. Let us also bear this in mind. But let us keep our reason, let us keep our Christian, Marian identity. Let us continue in this trust in Mary and let us not give in to the temptations of this world, which are transitory, but let us fight for eternal life for the salvation of our soul because it will be permanent.