That day is coming again. Thanksgiving Day. Most of us will spend time around the table with family and loved ones. Some of us may be planning the get-togethers already. Some might wait till the last minute. But it is not the preparation, nor the food, and not even the number of people we will invite to our house that counts the most. It is Thanksgiving. But Thanksgiving to whom? For what? For whom? And how?
Saying thank you is the easiest way to show gratitude. We probably say it many times each day if we learned our manners correctly. Every time someone opens the door for us, hands us a cup of coffee, says “Bless you” when we sneeze, we usually reply, “thank you”. Some of us say it so often it has become a daily routine. These two simple words mean so much.
Thankfulness is very important in our human lives. It shows that we are aware of others and their care for us, whether in small or big things. Showing gratitude is a way of showing that we love them in return, that we appreciate the love shown to us. Friends, family, loved ones, and many others are often people we thank and we should be thankful for. But what about thanking the One who gave us those precious people in our lives?
Our God is the Giver of All Good Gifts. He is the ultimate One who has provided us with everything we need, even though at times we may think we may need more or need something different. But He knows best. We may not understand why God put that hard-to-listen-to aunt or annoying brother in our lives, but God has a purpose for everything. And whether we will find out why in this life, or in the next, we still must thank our Lord and trust that He is doing it all for our good. And that is exactly why we must thank Him.
When is the last time I thanked my God for my mom? What about for my boss? How about for the last person to whom I said, “thank you” to? All these people were put there in my life by God whether I like them or not. God gave me these people to aid me in my life in one way or another. I must be thankful to God for each and everyone of them, and if there is an occasion, tell them “thank you” too!
This Thanksgiving let us remember that God is the ultimate designer of our lives and gives us the people we need in our lives and when we need them. Let us not forget to thank our Lord for these people and for His Great Love towards us that He takes care of us through the hands of other people around us.
Marta Sniezko