I am sure that we all hear about bad things happening here and there in the news, on social media, or maybe just from other people. Sometimes it becomes overwhelming since most of the information that is thrown at us is not just discouraging, but many times even dark.
Jesus tells us, ““You are the light of the world.” And further, “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:14,16).
But now and again, I think to myself, “How can I be a light when there are times that I feel like I don’t have that light in me?” Such days do happen, and they feel horrible. But there is no excuse since God is asking me to be a light for others! But how?
Ever since I was a little girl, I had always been extremely fascinated by the moon. It is always so amazing to me when there are nights with a full moon and it illuminates everything so well.
You might stop me here and say, “Hey, what has the moon anything to do with this?” Actually, in my opinion, it has a lot to do with this. Just hear me out.
When I was about 12 or 13 years old, I remember sitting outside gazing at the moon and the moonlit surroundings. Taking in the amazing sight, I remember thinking about how the moon actually has no light of its own, but that it only reflects the light of the sun and in turn illuminates the nights for us. And how if the earth got in its way, it reflects less light, like when a half moon occurs.
For some reason, I had quickly compared it to Jesus, His Light, and me. If Jesus is the Sun, the source of The Light, He is calling me to be an extension of His Light for the world. So just like the moon! I can be like the moon if I stand in “direct view” of Jesus and let His Light “reflect” off of me and illuminate the world in it’s “darkness”. That’s it! And the more “in line” I am with Jesus, without the world, the “earth”, getting in the way, the brighter I can reflect His Light. So yes, it is true; I do not have Light of my own to shine in this world. But I can reflect His Light to others and it’s up to me how much of His Light I will allow to reflect off of me.
So spending time with Jesus in prayer, during Mass, and throughout the day will bring me more “in line” with His Light. Now the other part is the reflection. I can’t just stay in the Adoration Chapel 24/7! I have to then go out and do whatever it is I do at home, at work, with friends, on the street, but with Jesus and His Light in heart and mind. Then automatically, I will start reflecting that Light to others.
God Bless and Shine Bright!!!
Marta Sniezko