Greetings to you Praise be to Jesus Christ,
After the diligent selection process facilitated by the scholarship committee, I am happy to announce that the Scholarship recipients of St John Paul the Great for the upcoming academic year have been selected.
On Sunday, May 31st at 1:00pm, I will celebrate a solemn Mass in remembrance of the 100th Anniversary of the birth of St. John Paul the Great. Since we cannot all be together, you are invited to view the streamed Mass. The link will be on the Liga website, 15 minutes before Mass, at www.catholicleaguepolonia.org. I will announce the winners at the Mass. The actual award ceremony will be held at a later date, once such events are possible.
I offer my prayers and blessing to the scholarship recipients, their families and to the benefactors that make the St. John Paul the Great Scholarship possible. You and your families as well as your friends are invited to participate in this celebration. Please, in the spirit of solidarity, inform others and invite them to participate in these festivities.
+Bishop Andrew P. Wypych
Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago
Executive Director
Catholic League for Religious Assistance to Poland and Polonia